Saturday, February 13, 2010

Gallbladder Is Inflamed How Long Can One Stay Sick With Inflamed Infected Gallbladder?

How long can one stay sick with Inflamed Infected Gallbladder? - gallbladder is inflamed

I had problems on and off in recent years. More recently, since June I have taken 3 different antibiotics for infection and mild fever. I told the doctor, when I in July on my symptoms, check pain in the right side under the ribs. nasua sometimes. It was like nothing happened. I had 3-4 years ago, the Desidae scan was normal. I had a fever for a month, low quality. To the doctor on Friday re-allocated (see AP). He ordered CT. It had done yesterday (Tuesday). He said today morning, said the results did not decrease, will be until Friday, what's the problem with Dr. lazy ill patients do not want to visit. They do not take an oath?


tinkerbe... said...

My poor. You may consult another physician. Gall to believe with my years away, runs in the family B / C My mother, her sister and the eldest daughter had taken OUT B / C gallstones. It really hurts when you eat fried foods. THINK ABOUT IT ANYWAY It is not really a gall everything needed is an additional support space for your intestines. Honey, you need another doctor to find the line with you.

chuckufa... said...

Yes, but they begin to help themselves most of their money as they in the process ..
The Hippocratic Oath is not as important as the oath of HMOs is to do as much as you, as soon as possible so that you repay the loan and receive their scholarships, etc.

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